Devtober and What's new Now

Sorry haven't update the devlog for a while. Now the game have a brand new look (hopefully ...)

So far, I've done a concept art for the game and build a few extra levels and boss fight.

**** Important Notice: The collider with weapon is broken in both versions due to a bug with Unity 2019

        A new update will be released tomorrow to fix the issue


New Contents 

I added the following new enemies:

- Axeman, Spearman who attacks you using axe/spear

-Bowman who shoots at you

- Snake (Boss) who will charge attack and throw rocks

I will update the newly built levels tomorrow, as there is still a bit of bugs to fix. I currently updated the improved level one in the browser.  There is a few collision bugs in the windows version, so I will fix them and upload them.


In the past few days, I have improved the controls a bit... I think I found the problems now! I used too much polycolliders in different parts

Also, we added a few enemies  and fixed the issues of enemies and player  got hit multiple times. 

Lessons learnt

So the biggest lesson learnt is keep the design simple. Previously, I always overcomplicate things, but now I realize that it is all about the feel of game. In general, the development process is more enjoyable for me than the previous ones :D

P.S. A bug I found that is actually quite nice looking :D

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